Texas Area Health Education Centers
There are four Area Health Education Center (AHEC) programs that serve the State of Texas: Texas AHEC - East, South Texas AHEC, Rio Grande Valley AHEC, and West Texas AHEC. Each program has regional AHEC centers to serve several counties.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3601 4th Street Stop 7110 Lubbock, TX 79430 Phone 806-743-3644 E-Mail: West Texas AHEC http://www.westtexasahec.org |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio MSC 7839 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 Phone 210-567-7813 E-Mail: South Texas AHEC https://stahec.uthscsa.edu/ |
The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston 301 University Galveston, TX 77059-1056 Phone 409-747-7884 E-Mail: Texas AHEC - East http://txaheceast.org/ |
The University of Texas Rio Grand Valley
Phone 956-296-1900 E-Mail: Texas AHEC - Rio Grand Valley http://txaheceast.org/ |
While each AHEC program is unique, they all six have a similar mission: to improve the health of communities by developing the health care provider work force. In each region, the actual work to accomplish this may vary, depending on that area’s needs.
In general, the AHECs focus on these goals
• Promoting health careers to young people
• Assisting current health professions students to complete training experiences in rural and other underserved communities
• Supporting community-based health care providers and organizations with continuing education, assistance with recruiting, and other health systems-based activities
• Promoting healthy living
Some AHECs may do more in one of these goals than in the others. However, they all work to improve the health care work force for the region they serve. To accomplish this, AHECs work closely with high schools, colleges and universities, community-based health care professionals, community leaders and students.
The AHECs offer several different opportunities for high school students to learn more about health careers. AHEC staff offer classroom presentations about health careers, participate in health and career fairs, and host health career summer camps as well as other hands-on activities. For more information, contact the AHEC that serves your region.